ZERA Food Recycler

2018年6月26日—Ofcourse,allthistechnologyhasaprice,forthemomentaroundUS$1,200,alittlemorethan€1,000.TheZeraFoodRecyclerbinis ...,Zera™FoodRecyclerenableshouseholdstorealizetherewardsofdoingtheirparttohelpreducelandfillwaste.It'sneverbeeneasiertole...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Zera Food Recycler

2018年6月26日 — Of course, all this technology has a price, for the moment around US $1,200, a little more than €1,000. The Zera Food Recycler bin is ...

Thùng Rác Tự Phân Hủy

Zera™ Food Recycler enables households to realize the rewards of doing their part to help reduce landfill waste. It's never been easier to leave a greener ...

From Zera-to

2017年1月20日 — The planned retail price is $1,199. Source: Indiegogo ...

ZERA® Additive ZFRA4G1

The Zera® Food Recycler Additive is made from coir and baking soda. Coir is ... The listed price may differ from actual selling prices in your area. Terms of ...

Zera Food Recycler Filter

Zera Food Recycler Filter - Lot of 2 ; Quantity. 1 available ; Item Number. 266796382826 ; Brand. Zera ; Type. Food Recycler Filter ; Accurate description. 4.9.

Does anyone own the Zera Food Recycler?

2019年1月2日 — For super cheap, $60. When doing some research into this they started out around $1000 or so. And when looking into reviews online I haven't ...

Zera Food Recycler

Price and other details may vary based on product size and color. GEME World First Bio Smart 19L Electric Composter ...

Turn your food waste into fertilizer in a day with Zera ...

2016年11月14日 — And, if you get in on the action early, you can snatch one up for $699 -- a solid discount for early backers. We've already requested a review ...


2018年6月26日—Ofcourse,allthistechnologyhasaprice,forthemomentaroundUS$1,200,alittlemorethan€1,000.TheZeraFoodRecyclerbinis ...,Zera™FoodRecyclerenableshouseholdstorealizetherewardsofdoingtheirparttohelpreducelandfillwaste.It'sneverbeeneasiertoleaveagreener ...,2017年1月20日—Theplannedretailpriceis$1,199.Source:Indiegogo ...,TheZera®FoodRecyclerAdditiveismadefromcoirandbakingsoda.Coiris...Thel...